C30xx Digital communication
The new range of electrochemical instrumentation C30xx from Consorthas been completely redesigned and is significantly improved compared to his predecessors. The digital communication allows more direct commands to be able to read faster and more accurate.
The devices ending on a '0' are equipped with an USB and a RS232 port, the device ending on '1' are equipped with an Ethernet and a RS232 port.
The Ethernet systems require some set up which is explained in the Ethernet Configuration document which can be downloaded from our websitehttp://www.consort.be, section Downloads>Software.
The USB driver can be downloaded from our website http://www.consort.be, section Downloads>Software.
After installing the Ethernet or USB driver, the instrument will appear, when connected, as a serial COMx port. Set the communication software to use this port. The default serial communication settings are 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity.
The device allows a baudrate up to 115200 bps. Most computers can operate at this high speed which might be interesting especially for transferring a large data table to the computer.
Commands are sent according to the next protocol:
'>' + Command + Data + Checksum + CR + LF
'>' | Start of command protocol. |
Command | Single byte. A specific character invoking a special action or requesting information from the device. |
Data | Additional binary information to complete the command. This is not always required. See the command table when data is required. |
Checksum | Single byte, the lowest binary byte of the sum of the previous bytes which have already been sent starting from '>'. |
CR+LF | Carriage return + Linefeed, or ASC(13)+ASC(10). To indicate the termination of the command. These 2 bytes are not required for the receipt of the command and may be omitted. |
- the single quote signs are only to indicate it is a character, the signs are not to be sent to the device.
- the + signs are to not to be sent either unless when placed between quotes.
- the function ASC() indicates the character with the ASCII value given between the brackets ought to be used.
- Simple commands that do not require additional data don't need to be completed with the checksum.
Responses to the command are sent by the device follow the next protocol:
'<' + Command (+ Size + Data) + Checksum + CR + LF
'<' | Start of response. Note the opposite direction of the character, compared to the protocol to send. |
Command | Single byte. The command for which is being responded. |
Size | Binary single byte value. The amount of data bytes to follow. The size is only returned when data is following. See the outline|command table when size and data will follow. |
Data | The requested information. This information can be ascii coded or binary. See the outline|command table when and which data will follow. |
Checksum | Single byte. The lowest byte of the binary sum of the previous bytes which have already been sent starting from '<'. |
CR+LF | Carriage return + LineFeed, or ASC(13)+ASC(10), to indicate the termination of the response. |
() | Size and data are not always returned! See the outline|command table when and which data will follow. |
Command | Additional data bytes | Returned data bytes | Purpose | See |
'?' | Request to print last measurements in ASCII format | outline|Print measurements | ||
'-' | Disable user keyboard | outline|Keyboard | ||
'+' | Enable user keyboard | outline|Keyboard | ||
'B' | 1 | Simulation of key | outline|Key simulation | |
'S' | yes | Request the settings from the device | outline|Settings | |
'M' | 1 | yes | Request measurements from a channel | outline|Request Measurement |
'F' | 1 | Change display Output | outline|Display output | |
'G' | yes | Return the GLP report from the current focused channel | outline|GLP report | |
'D' | 4 | Modify the data logger settings | outline|Parameters Data log | |
'L' | yes | Requests complete Data table in ASCII format | outline|Data table text | |
'l' | 8 | yes | Requests Data information in binary format | outline|Data table binary |
'Y' | yes | Read date and time from device | outline|Read Date/time | |
'y' | 6 | Set date and time from device | outline|Set Date/time | |
'X' | 1 | yes | Read text row from display | outline|Display text |
'(', ')' | Start and stop dumping of display text | outline|Start/Stop Display dump | ||
'I' | 1 | yes | Request specific device information | outline|Device Information |
'U' | 2 | yes | Read specific user table | outline|Read User table |
'u' | 65 | Store user table | outline|Store User table | |
'R' | 4 | Resets/Restarts the device | outline|Reset |
Send the command '?' to request the last measurements.
31/05/2010 15:00:18 7.215 pH 18.2 °C
0.73 ng/l 18.2 °C
With the commands '-' and '+', it is possible to disable and enable the keyboard so the user cannot interact while the software communicates. This way the software can control the device completely. The keyboard is automatically re-enabled when the device restarts.
←i /* the keyboard is now disabled */
<+g /* the keyboard is now enabled */
With the commands 'B' and an additional code (see table below), it is possible to simulate the keyboard.
As soon as a 'B' command has been received, the keyboard will be automatically disabled and should be enabled again with the '+' command when required.
Table Key codes:
Code (binary!) | Key |
0 | UP (arrow) |
1 | OK |
2 | DOWN (arrow) |
3 | STORE |
4 | CAL |
5 | HOLD |
6 | MODE |
3E 42 00 80 0D 0A/* '>B'+CHR(0)+CS+CR+LF : Simulate up arrow */
3C 42 7E 0D 0A/* Device answer, command is accepted */
/* the keyboard is now disabled !! */
The command 'S' returns the binary settings of the device.
e.g.3E 53 91 0D 0A
3C 53 28 02 03 E8 05 FF 00 01 03 00 00 02 02 00 40 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 05 00 3C 2E E0 00 00 00 00
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 4D 0D 0A
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 : byte number offsets)
Data record structure
Byte 0, 1:
'<S' = start of answer from device
Byte 2:
number of bytes to follow, excluding checksum + termination code CR+LF,
here 40 bytes.
Byte 3:
Display focus number. The device has several display outputs which are selected manually using the arrow keys. These are indicated with a focus number starting from 0. This number can be checked this way. The focus can be changed using a specific command.
Byte 4, 5:
Temperature reference for conductivity measurements.
= 1000 for 25°C
= 896 for 20°C
Byte 6:
Display Contrast setting
Byte 7:
Standby setting. When 0, the device will stop operation after pressing the standby button or after a power failure, otherwise, the device will restart each time.
Byte 8:
Language setting. 0 = English, 1 = Dutch, 2 = French, 3 = German
Byte 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14:
Measurement settings of all the channels.
Here in the example are 6 bytes given for 6-channel model C3040, there are only 2 bytesfor the models C3010, C3020, C3030.
Byte 15: (11for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Display resolution settings.
Byte 16, 17, 18, 19: (12, 13, 14, 15for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
32 bits Password settings. The highestbit (32nd) indicates the password is enabled.
Byte 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25: (16, 17for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Settings of the ATC channels. The byte sequence and the number contents indicates for which channel the °C measurement will be used as temperature compensation. In this example byte 20 indicates °C1 is used for CH1, byte 21 indicates °C2 is used for CH2, … byte 25 indicates °C6 is used for CH6. Also here are only 2 bytes for the models C3010, C3020, C3030.
Byte 26, 27: (18, 19for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Data log settings:
Highestbit (16th) = the data logger is enabled when 1.
Second highestbit (15th) = memory rotation or continuous data registration.
Remaining lower 14 bits: Time interval in seconds
Byte 28, 29: (20, 21for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Data log settings: irrelevant information
Byte 30, 31: (22, 23for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Data log settings: Number of logged data points
Byte 32, 33, 34, 35, 36: (24, 25, 26, 27, 28for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Data log settings: irrelevant information
Byte 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42: (29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
Digital output settings of which byte 41 and 42 (33 and 34) returns the time interval in seconds.
Byte 43: (35for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
lowest byte of Checksum of preceding data bytes
Byte 44, 45: (36, 37for the models C3010, C3020, C3030)
CR + LF, End of data block
The command to print the measurements (using '>?') returns ASCII coded measurement values of all active channels. This requires more time for the sending and can only be used during the regular measurement mode. To request the measurements during calibrations or to reduce communication time, use the command 'M' + (the channel number – 1) for which the data is requested. The device will return all measurement and status information for that channel as binary data.
Before device version 1.7:
e.g.Request the measurement from channel 1 (⇒ Send 'M'+0, see outline|command table)
3E 4D 00 8B 0D 0A /* send the request */
3C 4D 13 00 80 01 01 28 00 3E 7E 2A 00 00 94 E3 00 03 D0 90 03 E4 ED 0D 0A /* returned data */
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 : byte number offsets)
Data record structure
Byte 0 + 1 = '<M':
start of answer from device
Byte 2:
number of bytes follow, excluding checksum + termination code CR+LF,
here 19 bytes.
Byte 3+4: 16 bit information with measurement status of which:
bit 14:temperature out of range, when 1
bit 13:temperature probe connected, when 1
bit 11:measurement out of range, when 1
bit 7:measurement is found to be stable, when 1
Byte 5: Type of measurement. This will depend on the device model.
Byte 6, 7, 8, 9, 10: Internal information, not of use
Byte 11: Output format of measurement.
See the table outline|Measurement formats to find here the value 2A (= 42 decimal) corresponds with the format of '0,001 pH'.
Byte 12, 13, 14, 15:
32 bits with measurement data where the value 10000 corresponds to the unit 1. In this example, the hex value 00 00 94 E3 corresponds with 38115. Using the format from byte 11, this example returns thus the value of '3,811 pH'.
Byte 16, 17, 18, 19:
32 bits with temperature measurement where the value 10000 corresponds to the unit 1.
Here is the temperature 00 03 D0 90 corresponding to 250000 or 25,0°C.
Byte 20, 21: Not for the models C3010, C3050 and C3060(without Dissolved Oxygen Measurements)
16 Bits with air pressure measurement.
The value 03 E4 corresponds to an air pressure of 996 hPa.
Byte 22: lowest byte of Checksum of preceding data bytes
Byte 23, 24: CR + LF, End of data block
Starting from device version 1.7:
The returned data is reduced to only the useful information bytes. It also possible now to request the measurements of all channels at once by using 255 as channel number
e.g.Request the measurement from channel 2 (⇒ Send 'M'+1, see outline|command table)
3E 4D 01 8C 0D 0A/* send the request */
3C 4D 0E 20 00 09 1E 00 01 F4 C8 00 02 D1 E4 03 DE 33 0D 0A /* returned data
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 : byte number offsets) */
Data record structure
Byte 0 + 1 = '<M':
start of answer from device
Byte 2:
number of bytes follow, excluding checksum + termination code CR+LF,
here 14 bytes.
Byte 3+4: 16 bit information with measurement status of which:
bit 14:temperature out of range, when 1
bit 13:temperature probe connected, when 1
bit 11:measurement out of range, when 1
bit 7:measurement is found to be stable, when 1
Byte 5: Type of measurement. This will depend on the device model.
Byte 6: Output format of measurement.
See the table outline|Measurement formats to find here the value 1E corresponds with the format of '0,1 µg/l' (Ion measurement).
Byte 7, 8, 9, 10:
32 bits with measurement data where the value 10000 corresponds to the unit 1. In this example, the hex value 00 01 F4 C8 corresponds with 128200. Using the format from byte 1E, this example returns thus the value of '12,8 µg/l'.
Byte 11, 12, 13, 14:
32 bits with temperature measurement where the value 10000 corresponds to the unit 1.
Here is the temperature 00 02 D1 E4 corresponding to 184804 or 18,5°C.
Byte 15, 16: Not for the models C3010, C3050 and C3060(without Dissolved Oxygen Measurements)
16 Bits with air pressure measurement.
The value 03 DE corresponds to an air pressure of 990 hPa.
Byte 17: lowest byte of Checksum of preceding data bytes
Byte 18, 19: CR + LF, End of data block
e.g.Request the measurements from all available channels
3E 4D FF 8A 0D 0A
3C 4D 1C 00 80 02 00 00 25 E3 38 00 03 D0 90 03 E1 20 80 09 1E 00 01 F5 F4 00 02 D0 AC 03 E1 C1 0D 0A
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 /* offsets */
These returned data bytes contain the measurements from the 2 channels from the C3030 device. The measurements are returned in the order of the channels.
Bytes 0, 1 en 2:Start of answer and the number of returned bytes (here = 1C or 28 decimal)
Bytes 3 → 16:14 bytes of data from first channel. The analysis is similar to bytes 3 → 16 from the previous example.
Bytes 17 → 30:14 bytes of data from the second channel. The analysis is similar to bytes 3 → 16 from the previous example.
Bytes 31: lowest byte of Checksum of preceding data bytes
Bytes 31: CR + LF, End of data block
The device has several display outputs which are normally selected by the user manually with the arrow keys. It is required to set the correct channel on the display to start the calibration or to request some info like the GLP report.
Use the command 'F' + (channel number) to set a specific channel measurement on the display. The display with measurement information of all channels has the number 0, the channels start from 1, the temperature displays start from 1+number of channels.
e.g.To set the display of CH2
3E 46 02 86 0D 0A
3C 46 82 0D 0A
To set the display of °C3 for the C3040 model (6 channels)
3E 46 09 8D 0D 0A
3C 46 82 0D 0A
Request the GLP report from the current displayed channel. This is the same as selecting manually GLP>SEND REPORT from the calibration menu.
Device : C3040
Version : 1.2
Serial nr. : 9999999
Channel : 2
Input : S/cm
Reference temp. : 25°C
Cap.Comp. : NO
Date : 00/00/2000
Time : 00:00:00
Reference temp. : 25°C
Standard 1 : 0.01M KCl
Value : 0.000µS/cm
CC : 0.000cm1
°C : 0.0
Time : 00:00
Standard 2 : 0.01M KCl
Value : 0.000µS/cm
CC : 1.000cm1
°C : 25.0
Time : 00:00
Standard 3 : 0.01M KCl
Value : 0.000µS/cm
CC : 1.000cm1
°C : 25.0
Time : 00:00
CC1 : 1.000cm1
CC2 : 1.000cm1
CC3 : 1.000cm1
The command 'D' allows to adjust the data log parameters while measuring. Four additional bytes (32 bits) are required:
e.g.Enable the data log function, have the values logged at an interval of 15 seconds and let it end when 10000 values have been logged.
3E 44 80 0F 27 10 48 0D 0A
3C 44 80 0D 0A
Enable the data log function, have the values logged at an interval of 1 minute and keep only the last 60 values in memory.
3E 44 C0 3C 00 3C BA 0D 0A
3C 44 80 0D 0A
Mind that these settings remain valid only as long as the measurement mode has not been canceled due to entering the settings or a calibration. The number of data points to log will then be reset to its maximum. Therefore it is advised to resend the settings when returning in measurement mode.
It is not really advised to log data continuously when less then 12000 points need to be logged. This leads to mixed time points in the data table.
The command 'L' is the same as manually selecting DATA>PROCESS>SEND from the SETTINGS menu.
It is required to use this command during a measurement display screen. This can be achieved by sending a outline|Set Display Output command first.
LOG.0000126/08/201008:10:39CH1 15.57pH 21.9°C
LOG.0000226/08/201008:10:39CH21060.µS/cm 22.3°C
LOG.0000326/08/201008:10:39CH3-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0000426/08/201008:10:39CH4-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0000526/08/201008:10:39CH5-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0000626/08/201008:10:39CH6-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0000726/08/201008:10:49CH1 15.57pH 21.9°C
LOG.0000826/08/201008:10:49CH21060.µS/cm 22.3°C
LOG.0000926/08/201008:10:49CH3-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0001026/08/201008:10:49CH4-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0001126/08/201008:10:49CH5-501.5mV 25.0°C
LOG.0001226/08/201008:10:49CH6-501.4mV 25.0°C
The command 'l' allows to read the data table as binary information. This is a lot faster but requires the receiver program to decode the information.
Additional required information are:
The device will first return the number of records which will be actually returned. This number can be different from the requested number depending on the amount of available records starting from the given start record number.
e.g.Read the first 100 data records, starting from 0
3E 6C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 E 0D 0A' The request
3C 6C 0 0 0 64 C D A' the 4 byte number of records/lines (here 100) which will be returned
3C 6C A 3C CF 1 D A 82 A7 D2 2B 0 FB D A ' first record at address 0,
3C 6C A 4 24 11 11 A 82 A7 D2 7 0 8 D A ' address 1, record 2
3C 6C A EC 69 21 2C A 82 A7 D2 0 0 59 D A ' address 2, record 3
3C 6C A EC 69 31 2C A 82 A7 D2 0 0 69 D A ' address 3, record 4
3C 6C A EC 69 41 2C A 82 A7 D2 0 0 79 D A ' address 4, record 5
3C 6C A EC 69 51 2C A 82 A7 D2 0 0 89 D A' and so on …
… … …
3C 6C A EC 69 21 2C A 83 53 D2 0 0 6 D A ' address 98, record 99
3C 6C A EC 6A 31 2C A 83 53 D2 0 0 17 D A' address 99, record 100
Data record structure
The returned information from a data record contains 10 bytes with the following information.
Here's a description with the data from the first record as example: 3C CF 01 0D 0A 82 A7 D2 2B 00
or binary written:
The recorded data from the example is 15.57 pH, 21.9°C on the 26th of August, 2010 at 08:10:39. The value is recorded due to the timer.
e.g.Send the 'Y' command to return the date and time
3E 59 0D 0A
3C 59 6 A B F 11 C 1D F9 D A
Returned information:
The current date and time here is: 15 November (20)10, 17:12:29.
e.g.Send the 'y' command +data to set the date and time to 15 Nov 10, 17:30:00
3E 79 A B F 11 1E 0 A 0D 0A' '>y' + year + month + date + hour + minutes + seconds + CS + cr + lf
3C 79 B5 D A
One line of the text on the display can be read using the command 'X' + line number (starting from 0).
- Only the regular text format will be returned, Bold characters and large font characters are not returned!
- The number of returned characters depend on the current action of the device. Some display outputs give also help information on the right side, which is not returned with this command.
e.g.Read line 0 during the display of the measurement of CH1:
3E 58 00 96 0D 0A/* 'X' + 0 + … */
3C 58 28 31 20 70 48 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 32 35 2E 30 F8 43 20 0D 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 72 0D 0A
40 bytes are returned for the line as ASCII formatted characters =
'1 pH 25.0øC '
Read line 2 during the display of the pH calibration menu:
3E 58 02 98 0D 0A
3C 58 15 20 20 42 75 66 66 65 72 32 3A 20 20 20 34 2E 30 30 20 70 48 20 C9 0D 0A
Only 21 bytes are returned for the line as ASCII formatted characters =
'Buffer2: 4.00 pH '
When sending the command '(' the device starts to send all data written to the display, also to the serial port. The dumping will be stopped when sending the closing bracket command ')'.
Each string sent to the display will be terminated with a CR+LF combination on the serial port.
e.g.Start the dump during the pH measurement:
(f_' start the dump
18/04/2012_08:47:05_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_' the characters '_'
18/04/2012_08:47:06_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_' are CR+LF combinations
18/04/2012_08:47:06_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:07_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:07_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:08_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:08_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:09_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:09_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:10_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
18/04/2012_08:47:10_1_ -10.5_mV_2_ 72.3_°C_ 0.61_ng/l_
)g_' stop the dump
Mind that special characters such as battery symbols are given in the internal font code which is similar to the ASCII table, besides these special characters. Mind that characters with an ASCII code less then a space (0x20) are given as underscore '_'.
Using the command 'I' with extra byte, it is possible to request some device specific information.
Byte | Returned information |
0 | Device model |
1 | Version |
2 | Serial number |
199,99 | Special codes. See outline|Store User Table |
e.g.Request model:
3E 49 00 87 0D 0A
3C 49 05 43 33 30 33 30 93 0D 0A/* '<I'+nr of data bytes+'C3030'+Checksum+CR+LF */
Request version:
3E 49 01 88 0D 0A
3C 49 04 20 31 2E 37 3F 0D 0A/* '<I'+nr of data bytes+' 1.7'+Checksum+CR+LF */
There are 5 pH user tables and 3 Conductivity user tables available in these devices. It is possible to read these user tables using the command 'U' added with the table number – 1 and the table type (0x00 = pH, 0x01 = EC). More explanation is given in the following examples.
e.g.Read pH user table nr. 2
3E 55 01 00 94 0D 0A/* '>U'+0x01+0x00+Checksum+CR+LF = Read pH table 2 (BUF2)*/
3C 55 41 /* start of answer '<U' + 65 data bytes to follow */
42 55 46 32 00 00 /* 6 bytes: 5 characters with name('BUF2') + 0x00 as end of string*/
00 00 C3 50 00 09 27 C0 /* 10 bytes: 4 bytes as minimum and 4 bytes as maximum temperature,
(here 50000 (00 00 C3 50) and 600000 (00 09 27 00), or 5,0 and 60°C */
0B/* 1 byte as size of table -1: 0B=11 ⇒ 12 values of 4 bytes each, */
02/* 1 byte with irrelevant information, NOT USED */
00 00 71 A800 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00/* 12 table values (4 bytes each)starting from 5
←—0—→ ←—1—→ ←—2—→ ←—3—→ / to 60°C. The value at 25°C (group 4)is*/
00 00 71 A800 00 00 0000 00 71 A800 00 00 00/* obligatory. Values equal to 0 are not used !
←—4—→ ←—5—→ ←—6—→ ←—7—→ / The representation of the values is in */
00 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00/* combination with the measurement format byte
←—8—→ ←—9—→ ←—10—> ←—11—> / (=last table byte = 2B) */
2B /* Format of the table values = '0,01 pH' (see outline|Measurement formats)*/
67 0D 0A/* checksum + CR +LF */
e.g.Read Conductivity (EC) user table nr. 1
3E 55 00 01 94 0D 0A/* '>U'+0x00+0x01+Checksum+CR+LF = Read EC table 1 (STD1) */
3C 55 41 /* start of answer '<I' + 65 data bytes to follow */
53 54 44 31 00 00 /* 6 bytes: 5 characters with name ('STD1') + 0x00 as end of string */
00 00 C3 50 00 05 57 30 /* 8 bytes: 4 bytes as minimum and 4 bytes as maximum temperature,
(here 50000 (00 00 C3 50) and 350000 (00 05 57 30), or 5,0 and 35°C
(see outline|Measurement formats) */
06/* 1 byte as size of table-1: 06 ⇒ 7 values of 4 bytes each */
02/* 1 byte with irrelevant information, NOT USED */
00 00 00 0000 9B A3 C000 AF 04 B000 C3 01 E0/* 12 table values (4 bytes each)starting from 5
←—0—→ ←—1—→ ←—2—→ ←—3—→ / to 35°C. The value at 25°C is obligatory. The */
00 D7 9B 5000 EC D1 0000 00 00 0000 00 00 00/* last 5 table values (marked X) are not used
←—4—→ ←—5—→ ←—6—→ ←—X—→ / but are required. */
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /*
←—X—→ ←—X—→ ←—X—→ ←—X—→ / */
07 /* Format of the table values = '1 µS/cm' (see outline|Measurement formats) */
20 0D 0A/* checksum + CR +LF */
It is also possible to store your user tables with the 'u' command. It is however required to follow the next procedure:
e.g.Store the table 0,01 M KCl as EC table nr 3
3E 46 00 84 0D 0A/* Step1: '>F'+ 0x00 = command to get into the SETTINGS menu */
3C 46 82 0D 0A/* device confirmation */
3E 49 C7 4E 0D 0A/* Step2: '>I'+ 0xC7 (199) = First step of unlock code */
3C 49 85 0D 0A/* device confirmation */
3E 49 63 EA 0D 0A/* Step3: '>I'+ 0x63 (99) = Second step of unlock code */
3C 49 85 0D 0A/* device confirmation */
3E 75 02 01 /* Step4: '>u'+ 0x02 (= table number 3)+ 0x01 (=EC table) */
53 54 44 31 00 00 00 00 C3 50 00 05 57 30 06 02 /* table name + min/max°C+ … */
00 88 B8 00 00 9B A3 C0 00 AF 04 B0 00 C3 01 E0 /* first 4 values */
00 D7 9B 50 00 EC D1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /* next 4 values */
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /* last 4 values */
07 /* Measurement format */
44 0D 0A /* checksum + CR + LF */
3C 75 B1 0D 0A/* device confirmation */
Mind that all these table elements (name, min/max, values, format, irrelevant values/bytes, …) are required but only the 12 values and the measurement format for conductivity tables will be stored. The measurement format cannot be changed for pH tables. The names, min/max temperature, number of table values… cannot be changed.
There is no control on the 12 table values or the measurement format when writing the table. The incorrectness of these are solely the responsibility of the user.
Send the Command '>R' followed by 'ESET'+Checksum to restart the device. There will be no answer given.
3E 52 45 53 45 54 C1 0D 0A /* 'RESET' + Checksum + CR + LF */
The device restarts without any answer !
The measurements returned as 32 bit numbers are based on the integer 10000 as unit value. The returned format number indicates which value is represented according to the following table. The values should rounded against the given format.
e.g. 1. The measured 32 bit value is 86932, the given format number is 43which is 0,01 pH according to the table. This value represents the measurement of 8,69 pH.
2. The measured 32 bit value is 1006325, the given format number is 9which is 0,1 mS/cm according to the table. This value represents the measurement of 100,6 mS/cm.
Code | Format | Unit | Data value Multiplicator | Measurement |
0 | 0.1 | mV | 1000 | Redox Potential |
1 | 1 | mV | 1000 | Redox Potential |
2 | 0.1 | %O2 | 100 | Dissolved Oxygen, saturation in water |
3 | 1 | %O2 | 100 | Dissolved Oxygen, saturation in water |
4 | 0.001 | µS/cm | 10 | Conductivity |
5 | 0.01 | µS/cm | 100 | Conductivity |
6 | 0.1 | µS/cm | 1000 | Conductivity |
7 | 1 | µS/cm | 10000 | Conductivity |
8 | 0.01 | mS/cm | 100 | Conductivity |
9 | 0.1 | mS/cm | 1000 | Conductivity |
10 | 1 | mS/cm | 10000 | Conductivity |
11 | 0.001 | mg/l | 10 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
12 | 0.01 | mg/l | 100 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
13 | 0.1 | mg/l | 1000 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
14 | 1 | mg/l | 10000 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
15 | 0.01 | g/l | 100 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
16 | 0.1 | g/l | 1000 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
17 | 1 | g/l | 10000 | TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) |
18 | 0.1 | MΩ.cm | 1000 | Resistivity |
19 | 0.01 | MΩ.cm | 100 | Resistivity |
20 | 1 | KΩ.cm | 10000 | Resistivity |
21 | 0.1 | KΩ.cm | 1000 | Resistivity |
22 | 0.01 | KΩ.cm | 100 | Resistivity |
23 | 1 | Ω.cm | 10000 | Resistivity |
24 | 0.1 | Ω.cm | 1000 | Resistivity |
25 | 0.1 | SAL | 100 | Salinity |
26 | 0.01 | ng/l | 100 | Ion |
27 | 0.1 | ng/l | 1000 | Ion |
28 | 1 | ng/l | 10000 | Ion |
29 | 0.01 | µg/l | 100 | Ion |
30 | 0.1 | µg/l | 1000 | Ion |
31 | 1 | µg/l | 10000 | Ion |
32 | 0.01 | mg/l | 100 | Ion |
33 | 0.1 | mg/l | 1000 | Ion |
34 | 1 | mg/l | 10000 | Ion |
35 | 0.01 | g/l | 100 | Ion |
36 | 0.1 | g/l | 1000 | Ion |
37 | 1 | g/l | 10000 | Ion |
38 | 0.1 | °C | 1000 | Temperature in degrees Celsius |
41 | 1 | hPa | n.a. | Air Pressure |
42 | 0.001 | pH | 10 | pH |
43 | 0.01 | pH | 10 | pH |
44 | 0.1 | pH | 10 | pH |
45 | 0.01 | ppm O2 | 100 | Dissolved Oxygen in ppm (=mg/l) |
46 | 0.1 | ppm O2 | 100 | Dissolved Oxygen in ppm (=mg/l) |
50 | 0.1 | % | 100 | General unit in percentage |
51 | 1 | % | 100 | General unit in percentage |
53 | 0.1 | mVH | 1000 | Redox Potential, Normal Hydrogen Electrode reference |
54 | 1 | mVH | 1000 | Redox Potential, Normal Hydrogen Electrode reference |
55 | 0.01 | rH2 | 100 | rH2, Hydrogen Potential |
56 | 0.1 | rH2 | 100 | rH2,Hydrogen Potential |
57 | 0.001 | µW | 10 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
58 | 0.01 | µW | 100 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
59 | 0.1 | µW | 1000 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
60 | 1 | µW | 10000 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
61 | 1 | µW | 10000 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
62 | 1 | µW | 10000 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |
63 | 1 | µW | 10000 | Power in microWatts, quantification of Vincent |