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C1010 pH/mV: pH, mV EC: Conductivity, Dissolved oxygen °C: Temperature (Pt1000) C1020 pH/mV: pH, mV EC: Conductivity, Dissolved oxygen °C: Temperature (Pt1000) |
MODE=Selects all modes or escapes from error traps, calibration procedures, etc. by returning to the original mode.
CAL=Starts or proceeds a calibration or a function.
↑↓=Button for entering a value or for selecting a function.
The measuring electrodes should be connected to the corresponding coaxial pH/mV or EC connectors. Automatic temperature compensation and temperature measurements are possible by plugging a Pt1000 temperature probe into the °C terminals. Without Pt1000, the manual temperature compensation is automatically switched on.
Press MODE to go to the menu. Press CAL to enter the selected item. Press MODE to go back or cancel.